Visualizing Curry-Howard Correspondence

A tutorial on finding programs of proofs.

The Curry-Howard Correspondence external link says that types of terms (programs) corresponds to theorems of some logic, and the programs corresponds to the proofs of the theorems. So when a proposition ψ can be proven from a set of premises, then there is derivation of some term with type ψ from a typing context, where the typing context contains a term of type ϕ for each premise ϕ, and vice versa. Essentially,

ϕ1,ϕ2,,ϕnψ iff α1:ϕ1,α2:ϕ2,,αn:ϕnβ:ψ

where a statement like α1:ϕ1 says that α1 has type ϕ1.

Here, we will concern ourselves with intuitionist (propositional) logic and an equivalent type system, namely a type system with function types, product types, and sum types. Then, we will show some proofs to see, in …


Callcc and Classical Logic

I couldn’t find a simple written explanation of callcc, its type, and the connection to classical logic, so I thought I’d write one here.1 I won’t assume that you are familiar with the syntax of Scheme (because I’m not), so I will be using a made up language. I hope the first part of this post will be self-contained, so that you don’t have to understand any particular langauge to understand callcc. The second part concerns how the type of callcc relates to classical logic under Curry-Howard Correspondence external link . I will assume some familiarity and comfort with the concept and type theory notations.

Prelude: Syntax

The syntax we use here is close to functional programming languages like ML.

  • Everything is an expression, so has a value.
  • Function definition: A function that takes input x and return z is written as (fn x => z). All functions take only one argument. Besides …

Deductions in Hilbert Systems

Hilbert systems are systems of deduction based on a large set of axioms and a minimal set of inference rules. Since deductions in Hilbert systems can be very hard to come up with, I will discuss some tips and tricks that I learned when I tried to solve this problem in Troelstra’s Basic Proof Theory:1

Prove that the following two sets of axioms are equivalent.2
System A:

  1. P(QP)
  2. (PQR)(PQ)(PR)

System B:

  1. A(BA) (identical to 1)
  2. (AAB)(AB) (Contraction)
  3. (AB)(CA)(CB) (Pseudo-Transitivity)3
  4. (ABC)(BAC) (Permutation)

The only inference rules available are Modus Ponens external link (MP; also called -Elimination).4

Note that here, we use the convention that is right associative, meaning


We may drop or add parenthesis so long …
